Monday, October 4, 2010

The Many Benefits of Home Schooling

The decision for home schooling is based on a number of factors: desire to teach religion as part of the curriculum, undesirable school conditions, and overall dissatisfaction with the school's curriculum.

Although it's difficult for researchers to gather data on home schools, some research indicates that adults who were home schooled have a higher college attendance rate and seem more satisfied with life in general.

Home schooled children have consistently scored exceptionally higher than average on achievement tests. I recently read that home schooled 3rd graders scored higher than 81% of public school students in math alone!The biggest benefit to home schooling is simply that parents love their kids and want them to have a bright future. Teachers care very much about their students but no one loves their kid like a mom or dad.

Often the home school parents are able to spend significantly more money on educational materials than a public school can. The average cost of supplies per student per year can range from $200-$2000 at a home school.

Home school students can progress through educational material at the student's rate. This makes it much easier for home school students to be enrolled one or more grades above their public and private school-age peers.

Home schooled children are healthier than public school kids since they aren't exposed to so many sick children.

Home schooled children don't deal with so much peer pressure.

Home schooled children often develop exceptional relationships with their siblings.

Parents can offer their children instruction in areas that aren't fostered in public schools. The curriculum is flexible and can be ever changing.

The schedule can be changed if a child needs more or less help in a particular subject.

One mom told me that she is able to take her children to the museum for art class, the symphony for music, and ice skating for physical ed. She wants her children to socialize with other children their age so she often incorporates other home schools into her field trips.

If you're considering home schooling your child, where do you begin?

There are great resources available for parents who are already home schooling and for those who are just kicking the idea around. Starting a home school can be overwhelming. The parents I interviewed said that it is well worth the sacrifice.

Over the past year I've had the opportunity to meet many parents who have chosen to home school their children. The subject interested me enough to do a little research on the benefits of home schooling.

I was referred to this resource and I agree that it's great:

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