Friday, October 1, 2010

Home School Software

Home school software breaks down into 3 basic categories. There is the curriculum that you buy, which includes book, study guides, cd ROMs, access to web sites, etc. There are stand alone websites that offer many different varieties of help with numerous different subjects. These range from simple multiplication flash card varieties to more sophisticated language learning sites. Many of these online resources are free and can provide a homeschool family with much needed resources and variety. Lastly, there are the downloadable software packages that are usually some type of platform that assist with structuring the environment of the homeschooler. These packages may also assist with grading and identifying problem areas.

Curriculum is possibly one of the most valuable components of a homeschool classroom. It is also easily the most expensive. Some curriculum programs that offer online assistance and include all of the bells and whistles easily cost thousands of dollars, and while they may be fabulous programs most home school families that I come in contact with do not have the resources to pay for programs like these. Another problem with any curriculum is that parents often fall in the trap of sticking to closely to the curriculum. One of the most valuable pieces of advice I have received is, that if it doesn't work for you don't be afraid to toss it. Home school networks can often have resources for parents to exchange curriculum or obtain used curriculum.

Free online resources are an excellent source of new dynamic learning material. There are new resources everyday and I am continually surprised by the quality of content and applications being generated on the internet. Homeschool parents would be foolish not to take advantage of the many wonderful tools available on the internet.

New homeschool software that allows parents to keep detailed reports, chart progress, set goals, and basically keep their finger on the pulse of how their children are doing is becoming much more widely available and more reasonably priced. This is software that allows parents to optimize their time in the classroom and be as effective as possible.

Many homeschool parents fall into the trap of using fairly outdated rudimentary methods of schooling because that is all that has been available in the past. For homeschool kids to continue to excel and put their forced schooling counterparts to shame they must have access to today's cutting edge technology.

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