Saturday, September 25, 2010

Back To School Through The Years

school bus

Back to school is upon us, and who can escape it? Even for those of us who homeschool, we are bombarded by ads for the must-have Twilight notebooks, erasable highlighters, and scented book covers. But is it really worth all the hype? After seven years at this gig, I am finally immune to the hoopla. Unfortunately, it took a long time coming. Come take a stroll down memory lane with me as I reflect on our back to school experience through the years!

Oh boy! First grade! Time for some serious learning!We’re ahead! If we buckle down, we can finish second grade by December!On schedule: Saxon, Writing, Spelling, Grammar, Science, Ancient History, Art Appreciation, Latin… what else can I fit into that last half hour?Groan, is summer over already?The Plan: State history, lots of writing, and BIG cross-curricular projects.Summer was awesome! Forget the state standards — this year, we’re going to play, read, paint, and go on field trips!Whatever… At this point in our homeschool journey, back to school really is a big whatever. Gone are the big plans, as well as the dread. There is no longer that impending sense of doom that this year, we have to finish this book or that lesson and everything had better be good. We have finally reached the point where there is not much of a separation between home and school — it’s just… our life. And that is exactly how I like it!

Amida is mom to three laid back kids and blogs about their adventures at Journey Into Unschooling. She not buying a single new pencil this month.

Photo by caitlinator.

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